Here's the car on jack stands. Getting closer....
Then it was time to fabricate the mounting points for the rear. I was a little lax in documenting the constuction of the rear fixtures... but all they are is a pair of the same 2.5 inch square tube like the front with some 2x3 inch rectangle tube welded to the top, and drilled to fit into holes already existing in the frame.
Now I had to find a way to do the blasting here at home while the car is on the rotisserie. I constructed my own 'booth' in the front part of my two stall garage. Some tarps affixed to the frame of the garage door did the trick. Then - I just had to move the car into the booth and start filling the pressure pot with sand.... AND...
I'm a little irritated that the picture above didn't turn out - but ... its ok.. I'll have other opportunities to take some more shots. It pivots just fine - but my center of gravity is still a little off. Going to fix it tomorrow.
Got 85% of the passenger side done tonight - hoping to get another solid chunk of the car's bottom tomorrow. Then the driver's side and roof on Sunday if all goes well.
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