Monday, January 3, 2011

December Update - In January

Okay - I have fallen off the bus a bit for the month of December.  We had deer camp in the earlier part of December, along with a miriad of work meetings that lead into the Christmas and New Year's holiday's which took the family to Michigan to see aunts, uncles, and cousins.  After getting back home on the Jan 2, I've used part of today (1/3) to get the garage cleaned up a bit and did some organization.

Some neat things though - hooked up the low temp thermostat in the garage and brought in two new rear fenders (thanks Dad!).  Really looking forward to doing some more work on the car in the coming months.

Coming - pics of the subframe connectors, work on the floors (which I wasn't intending to do, but need to do in order to get to a point where the connectors can go in.

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