Monday, August 12, 2013

Wheels and Tires - and Some Imagination

Its been a little while since I did any hard/fast updates on the car.  Truthfully, I lost a little steam going hell bent cutting up the Lincoln Mark VIII. 

Not all progress was lost though.  I bided the time hanging out with the fam, replacing the siding on the front of the house with Dad, and accumulating some Mustang parts along the way.

The most significant of these is a narrowed rear end and axles which should fit under my car.  It just needs cleaned up.

The other is a set of late model Mustang wheels and tires.  Dad was over the other day and we decided to prop one of the wheels inside the rear of the car to see what it looked like.

We saw this:
Seeing this has put a little fuel back in the tank.  Time to start finishing up the welding on the front of the car, grinding and cleaning up my initial welds. (with the TIG this time - HA!)
Then I can put wheels under the front and temporarily hang a fender on the front and see how it looks.  We'll go from there!