Saturday, December 19, 2009

A Little More Progress

So - Its been nearly a month with little or no activity.  Since then I've spent some great times in California for Sam's wedding (a great time) and have been deer hunting with Uncle Skip and Patrick. 

These activities have kept me at bay for a while, but I was able to construct prior to leaving this fine looking sandblasting contraption.  I call it the SBS - Shaner Blasting Shroud named after its designer.

Here's the trunk lid before starting.  I will make a dent in this before all is said and done

Here's the trunk lid after some sanding and sctotch brite pad with Phix from PPC.  The pits are still there.  Bah.  Probably going to need some heavier rust converter.

So here's the SBS.  Its pretty simple.  Its a tote with foam water pipe wrap around the bottom, a hole cut in the top for dust/suction, and a hole cut in the side for my siphon feed blasting gun/air hose.  Seems like it would work in concept - but we'll have to see.  It would seem like it would be money for flat horizontal surfaces, but not so much for heavy curves/vertical surfaces.

The above two images are what I've been able to get so far.  When you get close to the surface you can still see pits in the steel that will need some more attention, but holy cow- its a TON better than those orange areas still there.  In the second picture, you can see the SBS after several uses - it now has a plexiglass window.  The tough part is keeping it clean - but also keeping it from getting pitted from the sand.  I've covered it with packing tape, thinking I can pull it off and replace it every so often.  We'll see how it goes.

Overall - I like what I'm seeing.  Trying not to go too fast or get too close with the gun.